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Medical Conference Service Platform
Medcon Medical Conference Service Platform,
Efficient Conference Management in a Digital Age.
Medcon Medical Conference Service Platform is aone-stop SaaS solution for academic conference organizers. It has absorbed domestic and international advanced strength and experience of academic conference management. Based on database management, the platform combines website development, EDM, SMS, Wechat, membership management, paper submission, online paper review, paper management, online registration, hotel reservation, online payment, popular minisite, API forWechat and has achieved one stop efficient solution fortraditional tedious conference management.

Now, Medcon is chosen as the service provider for Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, China Sport Science Society, Chinese Nutrition Society, Chinese Material Research Society,and Chinese Association of Refrigeration. Medcon provides professional services for more than 200 large scale academic conferences and 500 thousand conference delegates annually.
1. Setting Conference Website with Just OneClick
Without any network and hardware investment, without a programmer and web designer, you just login the platform, fill in the conference information and click buttons to set up official website in various style. The platform also supports independent IP address and one account to manage multiple conferences.
2. A Full-Service Conference Management Platform
The services range from website development, content management to SMS & EDM, Wechat marketing, membership management, online registration, paper submission, online paper review, programme management, proceedingformat-setting, hotel reservation and online payment, which cover the whole process of academic conference management and provide various data statistics tofree theorganizers from tedious work.
3. Seamless connection with Wechat Application
The platform provides minisite templates and Wechat API which connect designated Wechat seam lessly. After that, the platform will set up minisite automatically, and release conference notice& news via Wechat. The scientific programme and the speakers’ agenda can also be checked in time.
4. Fast and Convenient Payment
In addition to the post office remittance andwire transfer, the platform also provides online payment method which supports VISA, Master, JCB,AE and over 20 leading bank cards in China.What’s more, a reconciliation mechanism is set between the conference management platform and online banking account so as to secure and clarify the transfer.
5. Professional, Perfect and well performing solution
Medcon team has dedicated to servicing medical conferences for 10 years and being tested by over 2000 conferences.Medcon Conference Service Platform is the only most functional conference management platform dedicated to academic conference which offersfull-service and helps solving the unexpected problems.
3 Steps to Use the Platform

1. Create an Account

Please visit , and create a user account and submitthe organizer’scredential documents for verification. After the verification, the user canpublish a conference at any time.

2. PublishingYour Conference

After logging into the system, please click to create a new conference under the conference management section and fill in the basic information to establish the official conference website automatically. The user can preview before publishing.

3. Conference Management

The user can choose the favoritewebsite style, and select the needed functions among programme management, registration, paper submission & review, hotel reservation, payment method and so on. The user can setthe specifications and administrative authority to step into the digital age of academic conference management.
We Are Partner of Domestic and International Associations and Societies